DANFLO Surge Relief Valves & Systems


DANFLO surge relief valves (SRV) are engineered to track unabated surge-wave pressure transient: opening quickly, then closing without slamming shut.


DANFLO surge relief valves (SRV) feature an axial "straight-path" smooth flow pattern and have a large annular flow area for high pressure recovery, low pressure drop and high flow coefficients. Surge control is achieved by "loading" the plug cavity from a regulated nitrogen source. A line pressure surge above the nitrogen "set" pressure opens the valve immediately. Transient surge pressure is thus reduced as the extra surge volume is relieved. The plug then tracks line pressure until equilibrium is re-established and the valve closes.

  • Available in line sizes 2"-16", class 150-900
  • Low noise and cavitation trims options

See Options below for surge relief systems incorporating DANFLO SRVs.



  • Pipelines - surge and back pressure control
  • Tanker terminals - loading and unloading
  • Metering systems - back pressure control
  • Injection and recovery systems
  • Pump station by-pass
  • Underground storage


Class: 150#-900#

Design Pressure: 1 to 2,250 psi

Design Temperature: -50 to 4000F



  • Nitrogen-operated for dirty service
  • Pilot-operated for clean service

Surge relief system control module

Comprises a control panel, bottle rack and plenum in a compact unit. Use in conjunction with our DANFLO SRVs for a flexible surge protection solution.

Single run surge relief system

Manufactured to customer specification, incorporating the control module, surge relief and isolation valves, and all necessary connections on a single skid.

Multi run surge relief system

Additional runs can be combined in a single platform to accommodate surge needs, reducing space and cost.

Rate-of-rise surge relief system

Our patented rate-of-rise surge relief system combines the DANFLO SRV with a predictive pressure rate-of-rise system to allow pre-emptive action against a developing surge event. Reacting before a surge event can occur, this rate-of-rise system supports condition monitoring and preventative maintenance regimes.

Why specify a surge relief system from M&J Valve?

  • High capacity, so smaller or fewer systems required
  • Potential for installation, cost and weight savings
  • Immune to cyber-attacks or power loss
  • No separate power source required
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